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What is Divorce Financial Planning?

Divorce is an emotionally heightened time when you’re forced to make pivotal decisions regarding your future. With a myriad of issues to sort out, it can affect every aspect of your life - especially your finances. Uninformed choices can have dire lifestyle consequences long after the ink dries on the divorce decree.

To help thoroughly prepare you for making these critical decisions that will shape your future, Vickie will lead you through a four-step process. Each step increases your understanding of the overall impact of your settlement. You’ll also benefit from sophisticated financial projections that will provide you with valuable insight for making decisions regarding alimony, child support, division of assets (i.e. home, retirement plans, business holding) and taxable interest.

Taking time to discover, analyze and understand your personal factual financial foundation should be the first step of the divorce process.  As a CERTIFIED DIVORCE FINANCIAL ANALYST™, Vickie can help you identify and examine all the financial issues pertinent to a divorce settlement.  Armed with this information, you’ll have strategic support the first time you meet with an attorney.

With this guidance, you’ll ultimately feel more confident and in control of your options knowing you have an advocate who can help you understand the overall impact your settlement will have on your life. While it is best to have this information before consulting a lawyer, working with a CERTIFIED DIVORCE FINANCIAL ANALYST™ is a benefit at any point in the process.

For more information about Palos Verdes Divorce Financial, click here.